Otorhinolaryngology II

Dear readers, this book is continuation of Otorhinolaryngology I. It focuses on the function and diseases of esophagus, external, middle and inner ear and includes a short chapter on phoniatrics. Similar to the first part, emphasis is placed on practical information for undergraduate students and healthcare professionals with interest in otorhinolaryngology. Family practitioners and pediatricians may encounter many conditions summarized in the book, among them especially inflammation and tumors of the ears. The aim is for medical and dental students to understand better the etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, including ENT screening methods, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the diseases of esophagus and ears.

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 Otorhinolaryngology II FINAL 2023 orig 20.12.2023 ktokoľvek
 Posudok doc. Janíčková 2023 20.12.2023 ktokoľvek
 Posudok doc. Štefanička 2023 20.12.2023 ktokoľvek