Biophysics of heart and circulation
Heart as a source of biopotentials. Heart as a pump. Blood flow in vessels.
Anatomy of Heart. Hearth - Source of Electric Biopotentials. Action Potential of Sinoatrial Node and Prepotential. Spreading of Electric Depolarisation in Heart. Heart as a Pump. Dynamic of Heart. Blood Pressures in Heart. Elasticity of aorta and arteries. Blood Circulation. Blood flow - types. Types of Blood pressures. Measurement of BP. Filtration at Capillary Loop.
Ischemic heart disease
Clinical stand point – classification. Coronary circulation. Regulation of coronary circulation. Myocardial ischemia. Endothelial vasodilatators. A new insight into atherosclerosis. Progression of ATS process. Progression in the plaque growing. Nonstable plaque. Thrombosis inside the CA. Development of ischemic injury of myocardium. Electrophysiological changes. Mechanical properties. Clinical signs of IHD. Myocardial enzymes...
Heart and respiratory system - study quide
This study guide has been prepared for medical students as a basic educational material for the anatomy practicals and anatomy exam. The first chapter provides introduction to the cardiovascular system, the heart and basic description of the circulations. The second chapter deals with the organs of respiratory system.
The text is fulfilled by the photographs of formalin fixed cadaveric preparates used during the anatomy practicals in our department, however, it is necessary combine the study with using of anatomy atlases (Sobotta´s, Gray´s, Gilroy ´s or Netter´s atlas of human anatomy). Several figures of joints and ligaments are retrieved from public domein of Gray´s Anatomy of human Body (1918) and Servier Medical Art. The last part of the study guide contains a set of review questions which can help the students to check their knowledge. We hope you will find this study guide useful material for your individual stud and review.
.. of the electrophysiological processes in the heart – mechanisms and manifestation. Textbook.. .. is generally known that heart works very effectively during rest condition;..
Interaction of Electric and Magnetic Fields With a Human Body
.. Methods of Electric Stimulation with DC Current. Heart Pacemaker. II. Electrolytic Effect. Methods ..