Pathological Physiology [VL-Vla-PatFyz]

Patophysiology of blood and lymph circulation in lower extremities

Author: Jana Plevková

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Arterial system of lower extremities. Principles of blood flow. Endothelium. Endothelial vasodilators. Endothelial dysfunction. Atherosclerosis obliterans Risk factors. Arterial aneurysms. Vasospastic diseases. Raynaud disease. Occlusive arterial disease. Blood flow in veins – lower extremities. Venous system of lover extremities. Symptoms and signs of DVT. Lymphedema.

Ischemic heart disease

Author: Jana Plevková

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Clinical stand point – classification. Coronary circulation. Regulation of coronary circulation. Myocardial ischemia. Endothelial vasodilatators. A new insight into atherosclerosis. Progression of ATS process. Progression in the plaque growing. Nonstable plaque. Thrombosis inside the CA. Development of ischemic injury of myocardium. Electrophysiological changes. Mechanical properties. Clinical signs of IHD. Myocardial enzymes...