
Examination of head and neck

Author: Oto Osina

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Lecture for students of 5th year.

Occupational Medicine and Toxicology - 5th year

Author: Oto Osina

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Lectures for students of 5th year.
LECTURE I. - Occupational diseases caused by harmful factors of working environment. Workers´ compensation law. Occupational pulmonary diseases – Pneumoconioses (silicosis, asbestosis, coal worker´s pneumoconiosis).
LECTURE II. - Professional allergic diseases (rhinitis allergica, asthma bronchiale). Extrinsing allergic alveolitis (EAA)
LECTURE III. - Physical harmfull factors of working environmnet. Occupational diseases from vibration and from overloading of extremities. Disorders from ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
LECTURE IV. - Chapters from occupational toxicology. Occupational carcinomas.

Occupational Medicine - seminars for 6th year

Author: Oto Osina

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1st presentation - Intoxication due to Organic solvents.

2nd presentation - Professional allergic diseases (Professional allergic rhinitis,Occupational asthma, Hypersensitivity pneumonitis.)

Biophysics of Breathing

Author: Ján Jakuš

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Anatomy of Breathing. External and Internal Breathing. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Relationships.  Ventilation - the role of respiratory muscles. Ventilation - types (in adults). Origine of Breathing. Mechanics of breathing. The Lung Volumes.The Lung Capacities. Morphology of Alveoli and Capillaries (Coupling of respiratorz and Cardiovascular System). Diffusion through the alveolo - capillary membrane. Dynamics of Diffusion.

Biophysics of perception, receptors, vision

Author: Ján Jakuš

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Sensory perception. Reflex arc. Local response and Action potencial. Coding of sensory information on Paccinian Corpuscle (a skin receptor for touch and pressure). Coding of Stimulus on paccinian corpuscle. Receptors - Definition and properties. Receptors - Classification. The Flight Reflex. Laws of Sensory Perception. The Law of Adaptation. Receptor Adaptation. Biophysics of Vision. Anatomy of the Eye. Scheme of the Eye. Vitreous body. Retinal Background. COLOR VISION (HELMHOLTZ -YUANG THEORY of Color Vision). MYOPIA (Nearsightedness). Hyperopia - Farsightedness. PRESBYOPIA - OLDSIGHTEDNEES. Refraction Failures - scheme.

Biophysics of hearing

Author: Ján Jakuš

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Ear - anatomy. Composition of Inner Ear. Organ of Corti - composition. Mechanism of hearing.

New trends in the therapy of bronchial asthma and COPD

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Slides from lecture about new trends in the therapy of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - clinical pharmacology. The lecture is divided into three sections - 1) basic differences between BA and COPD, 2) their classification with current therapeutic plans, and 3) new therapeutic targets in therapy of BA and COPD.

Pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma and COPD

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Slides from lecture about pharmacological treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulomonary disease. Classificaton of bronchial asthma and COPD, strategies of their therapy based on GINA and GOLD, pharmacological characteristics of major drug groups used for their therapy (beta2-agonists, antimuscarinics, metylxanthines, glucocorticosteroids, mucolytics, antibiotics...

Antibiotics II. - protein synthesis and nucleic acid synthesis inhibitors

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Slides from lecture about antibiotics acting as inhibitors of protein synthesis (macrolides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosids...) and nucleic acid synthesis (quinolones).

Antibiotics I. - introduction and inhibitors of cell wall synthesis

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Introducation to basic pharmacology of antibiotics.

Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis (beta-lactam antibiotics, glycopeptide antibiotics, others)