Prof. Juraj Mokrý, mokry(at)

New trends in the therapy of bronchial asthma and COPD

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Slides from lecture about new trends in the therapy of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - clinical pharmacology. The lecture is divided into three sections - 1) basic differences between BA and COPD, 2) their classification with current therapeutic plans, and 3) new therapeutic targets in therapy of BA and COPD.

Pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma and COPD

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Slides from lecture about pharmacological treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulomonary disease. Classificaton of bronchial asthma and COPD, strategies of their therapy based on GINA and GOLD, pharmacological characteristics of major drug groups used for their therapy (beta2-agonists, antimuscarinics, metylxanthines, glucocorticosteroids, mucolytics, antibiotics...

Antibiotics II. - protein synthesis and nucleic acid synthesis inhibitors

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Slides from lecture about antibiotics acting as inhibitors of protein synthesis (macrolides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosids...) and nucleic acid synthesis (quinolones).

Antibiotics I. - introduction and inhibitors of cell wall synthesis

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Introducation to basic pharmacology of antibiotics.

Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis (beta-lactam antibiotics, glycopeptide antibiotics, others)

Antidepressants and antimanics

Author: Juraj Mokrý, Anna Strapková

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Presentation slides from lecture about therapy of depression and mania.

Pharmacotherapy of ulcer diesease and inflammatory bowel disease

Author: Juraj Mokrý, Soňa Fraňová

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Slides from 1st lecture of gastrointestinal tract pharmacology - pharmacotherapy of ulcer disease and inflammatory bowel disease

Factors influencing drug effects

Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Brief summary (lecture slides) of external and internal factors which can influence the effects of drugs. Separate part is fosuced on using the drugs during pregnancy and lactation.


Author: Juraj Mokrý

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Pharmacokinetics - lecture slides